10 Best Zoom Meeting Backgrounds

The 10 Best Zoom Meeting Backgrounds We’ve Found While in Quarantine

Things are far from normal these days thanks to the coronavirus. As many of us as possible have been working from home and limiting our interactions even outside of work to virtual platforms. For those of you using Zoom to stay connected, if you haven’t discovered the ability to change your background you should definitely get on that. Thank me later. Whether it’s for a regular meeting or virtual happy hour, these are definitely the 10 best Zoom meeting backgrounds that we were able to come up with. Use them to spread some smiles.

10. Let everyone know how virtually rich and lavish you are by using this mansion background. It’s also great way to cover up the dishes stacking up beside you (or the mess that your roommate has left for days, DAVE). This was one quickly snagged from cutewallpaper.org, but there are plenty to choose from with a quick image search on Google if it isn’t quite one of the best Zoom meeting backgrounds for you.

Mansion zoom meeting background

9. Want a little bit more of a getaway? Don’t need a mansion background because you’re actually Bill Gates? Maybe you’re still thinking about that vacation that you had to cancel because COVID-19 shut down the country? (Sorry, we know it still stings.) Get distracted staring at your own video square with this incredible shot of the Caribbean that we found from uncommoncaribbean.com.

carribbean background for zoom meetings

8. We snagged this screen shot of the T-Rex from Peter Jackson’s King Kong at animals.desktopnexus.com. This is an ideal shot because with your face in it, it will look like a T-Rex is going to eat you. If it’s a boring meeting, you might even be able to go “ahhh, there’s a T-Rex behind me!” then click ‘leave meeting’ and your boss will definitely believe it.

Trex zoom meeting background

7. Possibly one of the most iconic living rooms in history is available for you to book for your next meeting. We’re not responsible if you end up telling your co-worker to eat your shorts. We got this background from pocket-lint.com.

Simpsons Living Room Zoom Meeting Background

6. This next one belongs on our list of best Zoom meeting backgrounds for obvious reasons. Take it to the next level by playing “Highway to the Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins in the background. We got this one off of military.com.

Top Gun Cockpit Zoom Background

5. We found this background of Star Trek that spoke to our inner nerd. Plus, it really does look cool when you use it. This made our list of best Zoom meeting backgrounds because it’s a guaranteed way to be taken seriously by your team. We got it off of techrepublic.com. (And looks like they got it from CBS.)

Star Trek Zoom meeting Background

4. Feeling couped up? Let everyone know that your adventurous spirit hasn’t been crushed by using this background of Mt. Everest that we found at wallpapercave.com. Pro-tip: break out a ski mask & point a rotating fan your way for added flair.

mt everest background

3. If you’re like me and spend way too much time on the internet, you’ll recognize this right away and understand exactly why it’s on this list of best Zoom meeting backgrounds. For the rest of you, this background is from a popular internet meme of a dog in this room on fire. It’s often accompanied with the caption “everything is fine”. We found this gem at themarysue.com.

Everything is fine meme zoom background

2. If you want something that says “yeah, I’ve been watching Netflix for the past week without a break” then this is the Zoom meeting background for you. This still from the conference room in The Office is instantly recognizably by all your co-workers who have been Netflix binging as well. This background came from people.com.

the office zoom meeting background

1. This one landed the #1 spot because who doesn’t like to just make it weird sometimes? Thanks to this find on cboardinggroup.com you can easily make things very awkward in your next meeting.

bathroom zoom meeting background

Remember to take it easy on yourself during this time and find the little reasons to smile. It’s hard and unpredictable and scary right now. If you’re not the most productive, that’s okay because you’re still making progress during a difficult time even if it’s simply by existing. Be considerate of one another, and hey… maybe even make someone giggle with a silly video meeting background.

Seriously, try the bathroom one. Happy 420. Safety first, then teamwork.

Written by: Nikki Marangon

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