Aurum Farms – Lemon G
Location: Lyman, WA
Grow Method/Medium: Soil
Taste: Light, Citrus, Diesel
Aroma: Citrus, Chem, Pine Sol
Mood: Giggly, Content, Social
First Impression
The smell on this bud from Aurum Farms was He-Man: Defender of the Universe STRONG. The lemon-chemical-gassy aroma from it was so pungent that it almost didn’t even smell like weed. Especially after grinding the tight and compact nugs up, my whole living room smelled like a freshly cleaned bathroom. Borderline intimidating to the nose, the flavor however was on the light side– far from the Hulk smash that I was anticipating. The brightness of the lemon comes through, but right alongside it is an almost intrusive chem finish. As a seasoned smoker, I enjoyed the more in-your-face experience, but I could see a newer smoker not having the same reaction. Must like lemon if you pick up the Lemon G from Aurum Farms.
The high was nice, but honestly kind of overshadowed by the atomic aroma. I didn’t feel sedated at all, but wouldn’t say I was eager to jump up and do something. Lemon G put me in a nice middle ground, excellent for throwing a podcast on to get lost in. I recently was turned on to The Last Podcast on the Left which is hosted by three comedians and explores conspiracy theories, serial killers, and true crimes. I turned on part one of three about Richard Kuklinski (who if you aren’t familiar was a real, real bad dude). I immediately was sucked into his story and the jokes the hosts tossed out amidst discussing his upbringing and what led to his crimes. The high of the Lemon G stuck around for a good while, but that didn’t stop me from packing myself another bowl. Aurum Farms turned it up to 11 with this one.
10 Minutes From First Hit
There was a never a significant body high that came; instead the soft giggly buzz which historically trails off relatively quickly for me stuck around. It strengthened and weakened in waves, but didn’t go away for quite some time. Instead, it paired perfectly with my choice of entertainment and ensured that the story of Richard Kuklinski kept my full attention. I’m not surprised that this bud was a good fit for me, everything I’ve tried from Aurum Farms has been a solid choice so I wasn’t expecting anything less.
Final Verdict
I will absolutely be buying Lemon G from Aurum Farms again. I will be upfront in saying that this might not be a strain suitable for all tastes, but if you enjoy some super smelly weed this might be a homerun. This and any other strains from Aurum Farms are worth checking out if you’re a heavyweight cannabis smoker.
Written by: Nikki Marangon
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